.solihull.sch.uk domain name
.SOLIHULL.SCH.UK is a second-level extension of United Kingdom.
This extension is reserved to schools based in the United Kingdom
Register your .solihull.sch.uk domain name
(United Kingdom)
Included with every domain
The domain name must match the following format: School name + Area (Saint Mary's school, based in Oxford : st-mary.oxford.sch.uk or stmary.oxford.sch.uk for example).
All the detailed information (and the list of all the authorized geographic areas) can be found on the following link: https://media.nominet.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/27104952/Schools_Domain_Name_Rules.pdf
There is no specific procedure related to the registration of a domain name.
.SOLIHULL.SCH.UK domain names are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis.
In order to transfer your domain name to Netim, you must ask your current Registrar to indicate "NETIM-FR" as new TAG.
This change should only be initiated once your order has been validated.
The domain expiration date is not affected by the transfer process.
It is currently not possible to change the holder of your domain name.
The .solihull.sch.uk extension does not support special characters.
Netim is an accredited registrar
By choosing an accredited Registrar, you avoid middlemen which in turn gives you access to lower prices and makes domain registration, as well as other operations, quicker.