Brand protection - Defensive domain blocking service

The number of domain extensions (also called TLDs, Top-Level Domains) keeps increasing, making it more and more difficult to protect your brand and your trademarks.

Brand protection services allow trademark owners to block the registration of domain names containing their trademarks by third parties. This is sometimes called defensive domain blocking. Each service covers its own set of TLDs.

The benefits of brand protection services

The protection of your intellectual property rights and your trademarks can be challenging, especially with the ever-growing number of cybersquatting offences.

But what is cybersquatting? It is the unlawful use of a registered trademark, or a term very similar to a registered trademark, as a domain name.

Some Registries have created defensive domain blocking services to prevent these kinds of illegitimate domain name registrations under their TLDs.

Brand protection services you can subscribe to with Netim

Brand protection services comparison

AdultBlock DPML Uni EPS GlobalBlock NameBlock
Service AdultBlock AdultBlock+ DPML DPML+ Uni EPS Uni EPS+ GlobalBlock GlobalBlock+ BrandLock SecureShield
Registry ICM Registry Identity Digital
(merger between Donuts and Afilias)
Uniregistry Several registries
protected through Brand Safety Alliance
Several registries
protected through NameBlock
Number of TLDs 4 269 31 More than 600
including AdultBlock & DPML
Protection period 1, 3, 5 or 10 years 1 to 10 years 1, 3, 5 or 10 years 1, 2 or 3 years 1 to 10 years
Premium domain block
Variant label block
Optional TMCH registration
See details See details See details See details See details

How can I subscribe to a brand protection service?

Please contact our sales team to learn more about the eligibility criteria and subscription process.