.net.gn domain name
The .NET.GN domain name extension is intended for use by entities related to Network Infrastructures in Guinea.
Register your .net.gn domain name
Included with every domain
In order to complete the registration, the owner must provide the registration certificate of the company, in Guinea.
The registration delay can vary according to paperwork processing.
Restrictions / Allocation Rules:
A company/business related to Network Infrastructures registered in Guinea
Administrative contact:
Address in Guinea
Limited to one domain name per legal entity, accross all Guinean extensions
In order to transfer your domain name to Netim, you must ask your current Registrar to change domain contacts to NETIM's. This information will be provided during the processing of the request.
Once finalised, a new subscription period is started. The domain name will expire one year after the transfer's effective date.
In order to obtain the procedure for changing the holder of your domain name, do not hesitate to contact us.
The .net.gn extension does not support special characters.
Netim works closely with the Registry
For some extensions, there is no accreditation possible. Netim is then in contact with the Registry or one of its local partners.
Whatever the case, we take care of everything and make your experience just as smooth. Your domain is in good hands.